Welcome To Sanctuary Plymouth
While part of the larger Sanctuary family, Sanctuary Alternative Treatment Center is a stand-alone, non-profit organization dedicated to providing the highest quality medicine, service, education and experience to qualified New Hampshire Therapeutic Cannabis patients. Our medicine is locally produced and laboratory tested for safety, potency and consistency, and is distributed exclusively at our New Hampshire Therapeutic Cannabis dispensaries. Sanctuary ATC is comprised of a compassionate group of NH citizens who believe that this goal can only be accomplished through a caring, trusting, and knowledgeable approach focused on a patient's specific medical condition and financial availability... A true sanctuary, free from harm, judgement, and prejudice.
Sanctuary Plymouth
568 Tenney Mountain Hwy, Plymouth, NH 03264
Mon-Sat: 11:00 AM - 7:00 PM
Sun: 12:00 PM - 4:00 PM

Planning Your Visit
In order to enter the facility, it is required you bring your valid medical card and a valid government-issued identification proving you are 21 or older. This could be in the form of a driver’s license, passport or military ID.
We accept cash, debit cards, and credit cards with pin (contact your credit card company for more information) as forms of payment.
As medical director, one of my biggest roles in the success of Sanctuary ATC is community, physician, patient, and caregiver education regarding the safety, usefulness and efficacy of Therapeutic Cannabis as it pertains to the list of qualifying medical conditions set forth by the NH DHHS. Although cannabis research has been largely pushed into a dark corner for the past 70 years due to its federal illegality, the last few years have brought forth a large amount of new medical knowledge regarding cannabis and the endocannabanoid system. As a physician and NH citizen, I take great pride in offering qualified New Hampshire Therapeutic Cannabis patients quality medicine, safety, and education. Patient education at the dispensary will be a multi-tiered approach. Sanctuary ATC will be unique with regards to education as I will be available on site to meet and counsel patients and caregivers, as needed. Most, if not all, dispensary medical directors are off site and unavailable to patients. In addition to a well-organized patient education center at the dispensary, Sanctuary will offer an intense patient education program to all qualifying patients and designated caregivers: The "Sanctuary Farms of New Hampshire Education Program," mentioned in our RFA. I am very excited to be a part of this alternative form of medicine that has benefited so many patients, not only here in the United States, but worldwide. Sincerely, Dr. David Syrek
Yes! New Hampshire now offers reciprocity to registered medical cannabis patients in any US state where it is legal, as well as to Canadian Patients! Be sure to bring your state-issued medical marijuana card and state ID.
Qualified conditions can be found [here].
Any NH-licensed medical provider with prescriptive authority may now certify their patients for the program, including the following additional provider types: dentists, podiatrists, optometrists, and naturopathic doctors. You must submit the following to the state of NH Therapeutic Cannabis Program: Application for Therapeutic Use of Cannabis Written Certification for the Therapeutic Use of Cannabis Proof of NH Residency Application Fee Once applications are approved, DHHS will issue registry cards. Patient Handbook with Forms Please download the [Patient Handbook] and complete included Forms. Please ask your Patient Care Advisor for a copy if you would like one. Visit this link for the Rules for the Therapeutic Cannabis Program: www.dhhs.nh.gov

Read Our Blog
What is Liquid Shatter?
The vast majority of cannabis consumers understand the psychoactive nature of THC, and an increasing number of people are discovering and benefiting from the use of CBD. What many do not know is that the cannabis plant does not directly produce THC and CBD. Instead, the […]
Show Your Pride & Support By Considering These LGBTQ+ Brands
No matter how you celebrate Pride month, cannabis is sure to add some extra joy to your festivities. The experts at team Headset selected five LGBTQ+ owned brands that we believe deserve your attention the next time you visit your local dispensary. Product Type: Beverage Top-Selling Item: Blood […]
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